What is MICROSOFT ACCESS And its Features?
What is MICROSOFT ACCESS And its Features?
What is MICROSOFT ACCESS And its Features?
Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It can be used to store and manipulate a large amount of data.
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Relational Database Management System
Microsoft Access is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It can be used to store and manipulate a large amount of data. It is easy to understand and use. Its graphical user interface provides help in creating databases, tables, forms, queries, and reports
Sample Databases Microsoft Access provides several sample database applications.
These include Contact Management Inventory Control. Event Management Expenses, etc These databases have standard tables, fields. queries, forms and reports. With some modification.
users can use these databases for their data management needs
A wizard is a utility that guides users in performing a task. Microsoft Access provides several wizards for almost all database tasks. For example, Table Wizard helps in creating a table structure. Similarly, Forms Wizard helps in creating forms. With the help of wizards, even inexperienced programmers can create databases.Viewing Database Structure
In the Relationship Window of Microsoft Access, the complete structure of a database can be viewed. This window displays tables, their attributes, keys, and relationships among the tables.Microsoft Office Integration
Databases created in Microsoft Access can easily exchange data with Microsoft Office applications. For example, data in excel worksheets can be easily imported into an Access database.Easy Programming
For complex and lengthy tasks, macros can be written. These are written in an easy to learn Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language.Common Standards
Microsoft Access uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for database operations. SQL is the standard language of all relational databases. Therefore, Microsoft Access can easily exchange data with larger relational databases.Advantage Of Ms Access
Quick & easy to create DBMS
Microsoft Access produces very user-friendly applications frame
MS Access produces flexible and adaptable database systems.
Well-known so you can get help and support easily.
Microsoft Access produces very user-friendly applications frame
MS Access produces flexible and adaptable database systems.
Well-known so you can get help and support easily.
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