Website performance and security 2019
Website performance and security 2019
Website performance and security are the two main important factors for your website. Many business holders and large scale organizations are facing security issues on their site such as D Dos attacks day by days. Its important to consider the security of your website. There are a lot of free tools and exploits that a victim or person can attack on your website, if its not secured. Fortunately, there are free methods or organizations that offers free security and performance for your website.
Another important factor is the performance of your website. If your website is slow and contains a lot of Full HD non optimized images, your website will become slow. This will not only increase bounce back rate but Also impact on SEO, and users experience on your website. There are a lot of easy to use strategies and methods to optimize your website by removing un-necessary images and responsive themes and plugins.
How to check website or page speed:
There are many websites or free tools available online to check your website speed both on desktop and mobile. But the best way is to use google page speed insights as its free to use and contains best method to test page or site speed.
How can i increase my website performance:
Before starting this step, you must analyze your current page speed or site speed using google page insight. After you've scanned your website using google page insight, google will give you a score for both Desktop and Mobile version of your site or page. If the number is in between 0-49, you're site is in serious slow speed and needs to be optimized immediately to avoid losing your visitors and SEO. If the score is in between 50-89, your website is in normal speed and requires a little bit of optimization for images. If the score is 90-100, your website speed is excellent and requires no website performance optimization.
Once you've analyzed your website performance, its time to optimize it as much as possible.
Change your theme:
Many of WordPress themes may affect your website performance. Its a good practice to change your theme and re scan your website. We'll recommend you the following themes.
Newspaper lite:
- Free to use
- Optimized
- Efficient U.I.
- Good User Experience
- Basic SEO
News paper:
- Paid theme
- SEO Optimized
- Excellent U.I.
- Best for news sites
- Best for ad-sense
Power Magazine:
- Free to use
- Average SEO Optimized
- Good U.I.
- Best for news sites
Ocean WP:
- Free to use
- SEO Optimized
- Normal U.I.
- Best for ad-sense
Images Optimization:
If you've used high quality J.P.G. images on your website, your site may experience slow loading on images and page. Following the guide lines for image optimization for website performance.
- Always use P.N.G. or Bitmap images
- Use 1-2 maximum images per page
- Use the Smush WordPress plugin for images optimization
Using 3rd party plugins or addons:
Another easy to use approach is to install third party plugin for Website speed optimization. We'll recommend you to use the following plugins for on page SEO and Website speed Optimization. Don't use more than 2 plugins for website optimization at a same time.
- Use Yoast SEO not only for SEO, but Website speed and index
- Rocket loader
Use Cloud Flare for performance and security:
Cloudflare is all in one, free to use and most commonly used website performance and security company of all time. Cloud flare offers D.N.S. and IP protection to prevent direct DOS or D Dos hits to your server. Your server's IP is secured and all the traffic passes through Cloud flare's proxy server. Its optional to use Proxy with cloud flare.
Cloud flare offers free as well as pro website plans with more filter rules and image compression options for advanced users. Millions of websites uses cloud flare including news and TV channel websites for their security.
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